Where can I manage purchases or cancel my membership account?

You can view recent purchases or cancel by entering you email address on our billing page. We’ll send you a Magic Link giving you single click access to your customer portal.

If you signed up for the CEO Society before September of 2022, then you might be on our own billing system. You can request a cancellation here.

Some courses and emails refer to the @the.ceo.society Instagram Account. How do I get access to that?

The CEO Society Instagram account was a private account where we housed all the courses. As the membership grew it became unscalable and finding content proved difficult and wait times to be manually accepted grew excessive.

Now all the content is here on CEOsociety.online. You can search for content, easily come back to courses you haven’t finished, and new members get instant access.

I signed up for something, but I am not getting an email for it. What should I do?

We typically send emails from hey.summer.a@ceosociety.online. One of the first courses of action is to do a search for that email in your inbox, promotions, or junk folders.

90% of the people who tell us they did not get an email find it that way.

If you still do not have the email, email us at help@ceosociety.online and we will look into it deeper. The second most common issue is a misspelled email address.

I can’t log into my account. I might have forgotten my password. How can I get access?

If you are having trouble logging in, you can request to have your username and password sent to you. Just fill out this form.

I cancelled, but I still got billed. Can I get a refund?

It’s possible. It depends on why your payment went through. We typically do not offer refunds in the following instances.

  • You forgot to cancel before the renewal date
  • Your payment failed, and our auto retries processed your overdue payment after you cancel.
  • You request to cancel via email or some other manual method and we aren’t able to process it for your right away. We usually takes 72 hours.
  • You used the wrong email or misspelled your email when requesting to cancel.
I didn’t know that the Reels Challenge rolled into the CEO Society Membership. Why didn’t you tell me?

We make every effort to be upfront and let everyone know that the Reels Challenge is an introduction to the CEO Society paid membership. It is on the sales page, in the checkout form, again on the thank you confirmation page, in the introduction email, it is mentioned in the Reels Challenge Kickoff and Closing Ceremonies events, and we send an email and text the day before billing starts.

If for some reason you missed all those, you are always welcome to cancel your subscription if you are no longer getting value.

This Course is for Members of the CEO Society

If you are a current member, log in to start the course. Otherwise, sign up to join the CEO Society.