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Introducing the CEO Society Instagram Course

Call it a hunch but I am guessing that you are looking for a little help when it comes to marketing your product, service, or business on Instagram. I’m so glad you found your way here because that is exactly what I do for people!

Bite-sized Video Education

The CEO Society is an exclusive, membership-only Instagram account that offers videos to educate and equip you with the skills you need to make your Instagram account shine. If you are ready to make that happen in your business, get started with the full value of the course for only $1.

Results Driven

Let’s face it, Instagram marketing can be a little scary if you don’t have a clear direction.

I had to learn Instagram the hard way and through that process, I found a passion for making the way easier for others. It is my goal to help shorten the learning curve for other women who are busy hustling in their own businesses.

I’m sure you’re eager to get started.

You can access the full value of my course with a small upfront investment of $1

One thing I do in The CEO Society is meet you where you are. Whether you’ve never used Instagram or you’ve been posting regularly to your account for years, my video series will address the skills you need from the ground up.

If you’ve already built a good foundation but are stumped on a few things, it’s simple to skim to the course you need the most. I start with the building blocks and go from there.

Following my members-only video series for each skill will give you a full understanding of how everything works together. You’ll see that having the full picture entirely changes the game for you and it will finally just click.

When do you use a story over a post? What format and size does everything need to be? How do you create a fun and engaging reel? On that note, what even IS a reel? I applaud women who recognize the need to figure it out and jump in with the best they’ve got.

Unfortunately, the “guess and test” method isn’t always a great way to figure it out. You could accidentally end up with an Instagram presence that doesn’t represent your business well and that you do not like. It can be hard to reverse that. Don’t even get me started on the time you’ll be throwing away while you spin your wheels.

Trust me, I understand how daunting it can be. I have been where you are. I was all over the place with no strategy and not enough knowledge. The result was inconsistent engagement and very little growth. It was taking a lot of time and stressing me out. It was awful. I hated that my presence on Instagram painted a picture of my business that wasn’t accurate.

I have helped so many women get their Instagram game on track, and I love seeing the transformations. One thing that is special about The CEO Society monthly membership is that it’s designed to fit into your very busy life. You are juggling your business, your home life, and all the other hats that we, as women, get to handle.

I see you! You are rocking it! I made this video series course with you in mind. First of all, it’s right on Instagram (where you already are). You don’t need to remember yet another login or download an app to access my courses.

You can simply open Instagram whenever you have a minute (which conveniently leads me to my second point). I designed the courses to require minimal time. Each video is a concise and efficient lesson on a particular facet of Instagram. You do not need to carve out a large time block to learn Instagram. The concepts can easily be taught in little digestible chunks that are better for your schedule.

So much of what I’ve done with the CEO Society monthly membership has been about making it as accessible for women entrepreneurs as possible. That includes the price. I have made it so that anyone who wants to can access these lessons. You get full access to everything for only $1. After the trial, the monthly membership is $24/month. It’s the information you need on a cute little platter and without the fluff that some courses use to justify higher prices. I do this because of my passion for helping women finally understand the “how to.”

This Course is for Members of the CEO Society

If you are a current member, log in to start the course. Otherwise, sign up to join the CEO Society.